• 01mrm,  Uncategorized


    I’m fermenting everything in sight!  And I can’t get enough. 🙂 It’s not enough that I have two batches of water kefir going on my counter all the time.  And a one gallon fermenting jar full of bubbling sauerkraut on top of the fridge.  I want more!  MUST. MAKE.…

  • 01mrm,  Uncategorized

    herb garden photos

    I love my herb garden.  I have a little patch out in our front yard that I’m dreaming of turning into a sensory garden for the kids one day.  Right now it is mostly herbs

  • 01mrm,  Uncategorized

    and so I made chocolate

    It was one of those days when I was on my feet, all day, running from one thing to another, trying to make sure the house was cleaned up, CSA veggies got cleaned and refrigerated, food prepped for the week, laundry done and put away, dishes done, dinner made,…

  • 01mrm,  Uncategorized


    I have a new love.  It’s called Pinterest.  And it’s why I haven’t been here lately.  I’m addicted to collecting fun ideas and inspiration and so haven’t been able to actually sit down and write.  So, if you are curious, and if you miss me… check it out HERE. …