What it takes…
A few weeks ago I asked myself “What is it going to take for me to stop eating the foods that make me sick?!”Β I try and try, and I tell myself that this time will be the last time I eat some cheese, or ice cream, or gluten…
Menu Plan November 9th
So this week I am trying to use some things that I have to save a bit of money at the store. Here is what I’ve got. In the pantry…PastaQuinoaPizza Crust mixesWhite beansArtichoke HeartsRefried Beans And in the fridge…SpinachMini Bell PeppersCherry Tomatoes PotatoesGoat CheeseLettuce MixPepperoni Teff tortillas I’ve got…
Menu Plan Monday – better late than never
I didn’t put together a menu plan before heading to the grocery store this week, so I’m hoping I can come up with a weeks worth of meals with what I bought!Β Here goes… Dinners Tonight was random Night (I cooked Lucas some Rice Mac ‘n Cheese, I ate…
Nathan is One Month Old… and I am 30!
Nathan had his one month doctor appointment on Monday. He weighed 10 lbs, 14 oz, and was 22 inches. So, he has already gained 2 1/2 pounds and one inch! He is growing great, and doing really well. One thing we are a little worried about is his constant…
Nathan James
Nathan arrived on Friday, September 18th at 11:33 pm after only about 6 hours in the hospital and one day of labor, total. He was 8 pounds 5 ounces and 21 inches long. We are all doing great, and I will write more on the birth story later. All…